Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Great Ratatouille Race
So I ran my first 5k over Labor day weekend at Disneyland. It’s the happiest race on earth, ya know. And when I say "ran" I really mean, mostly ran. Carissa ran it. I, on the other hand, mostly ran it. During the first mile, significant running was done. The second mile, a good deal of running was done. The last mile, not so much running was done. Although, during that little 0.1 miles rounding the bend to the finish line, all running was done to make it look like I maybe made a good effort throughout the race. Heh heh. I at least did better than my dad expected. When asked by my mom how it was, I replied, "good." My dad followed up with, "Did you finish?" Uh, yeah dad. It’s only 3.1 miles. Give me a little credit. I’m not a complete orca whale. A seal with many layers of blubber, maybe. But not so tank-like that I can’t even finish 3.1 miles of walking/running. I’ve come a long way since running the backstops during junior high PE. Although it probably would have helped my finish time if I had Ms. Vanderpoel yelling into a bullhorn for me and my friends to get our heinies moving.
Anyway, here are some photographic highlights of the race.....
Getting ready before the race. Looking happy and energized having just polished off a PowerBar

During the race. Less happy. Less energized. But still keep on keeping on

You might not have easily spotted me here, so I provided a little help

Memo with a nice stride coming out of the castle

What I felt like after the race

Yay, it’s over and I got this rad Ratatouille plastic cheese shaped medal. Giddyup!