
Saturday, December 24, 2005

No Bon Voyages for me this year 

So, I'm not going to Paris.

What it came down to is, the girl I was supposed to go with can't go because she couldn't get her VISA in time, so that means I would be going by myself. Now, I could still go if I wanted because I would have a place to stay, but that's not exactly what I signed up for. I signed on for Dianne and partying with her for two weeks, not bumming around by myself or with people I barely know. I know - it doesn't sounds like the adventurous Kristy that we all know and love (or sometimes love), but it's just not what I am up for right now. I wanted to be able to show someone who has never been all of the cool places that I got to experience when I lived there. I wanted a wingman for the all the bars we would visit. I wanted a girl companion.

And while, I'm a bit bummed I'm not going to be spending New Year's Eve on a street somewhere near Notre Dame, there are some definite benefits of not going. So here is my, "I'm not going to Paris, big whoop" pro/con list:

-No cool New Year's eve stories to tell when I get back
-No scamming on French tail (or Canadian at the Moosehead Pub in the 6th)
-No Nutella crepes
-No city views from Montmarte
-No hot chocolate at Angelina
-No Amelie re-enactments
-No 1E50 bottles of wine
-No returns to the Red Clover in Aix
-No D-Day beach visits to take pics for my grandpa
-No ice cream at Berthillon
-No black/white photography of Paris buildings
-No sending Anna's little girl Gia a postcard from the Eiffel Tower
-No 24 hour exposure to the language d'amour
-No shopping at H&M, Pimkie or Galeries Lafayette
-Losing out on $594.50 for my flight

-No more pending flight anxiety
-Possibly paying off my car with the money I'm saving
-Getting to spend New Year's with my roommie!
-Relief for my parents who really didn't want me to go by myself
-Not having to pack/unpack (a very dreaded task)
-Not having to shuffle to try and find a ride to the airport
-Not having to worry about Muslim dissident youth causing a riot
-No urine smelling Paris underground transit
-Not having to sacrifice a whole week of vacation the first week of the year
-Not being as behind when I return to work
-Not gaining another 1000 pounds from all of the French goodies I would no doubtedly gorged
-Being able to sleep in a nice comfy warm bed and not on a couch or floor
-No RER B train ride from Charles de Gaulle to inner Paris with two big ol' suitcases
-Being able to use my spa gift certificates from Tracy sooner
-Being able to spend some of my precious time off with my family
-Extra money to shop and pay bills
-Ability to get a jump on those 3 bottle of Grey Goose that await me on my kitchen counter

As I was typing this out, I started to think, shit, maybe I should go. But what I have to remember is that Europe will always be there, and by the time I go back it will be for much longer and I will have a lot more money and flexibility to really do what I want without putting myself in a financial strain. And I've said it once, I'll say it again. Everything happens for a reason.

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