
Monday, August 16, 2004


Ping-pong is an Olympic sport.

Tracy (my boss) and I talk sex and girltalk on a regular basis.

My cat has a boyfriend, and I do not.

Stock options involve the terms, "spread" and "straddle."

I'm thinking of integrating the word "turkey" into my vocabulary more.

The country of Papua New Guinea speaks a third of all the languages in the world (according to Matt Lauer and Katie Couric).

The catmint plant we have planted in our backyard creates a very pretty lavendar flower.

I'm going to walk to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association in October.

I came across the phrase "large and in charge" today.

If I could up and move anywhere (realistically) right now, it would be Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

My third cousin, Kurt, is the quietest baby I've ever met in my life.

I was coming home from France a year ago today.

That's all for now.

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