
Monday, April 05, 2004

You dropped a bomb on me, baby 

A good friend of mine (we'll call her Martha just in case she wishes not to be exposed) faces a dilemma, or as she likes to call it - the Boyfriend Bomb. Martha's had a boyfriend for a good time now, and while they are a committed couple, Martha's relationship allows her to spend time without a tag-along boyfriend going eveywhere she does, thus allowing her a night out with the girls here and there. (I love Martha's boyfriend and her for not being one of those couples.) Now unfortunately though, without the boyfriend present, when Martha goes out, the gentlemen she encounters assume she's a swinging single.

Now here's the problem - if she drops the boyfriend bomb early in the conversation, she runs the risk of being 86'd out of the conversation with a guy, because she's no longer on the market for him, so he's going to drop his convo with her for the next possibly available girl. (Which is understandable for the guy, but it sucks for Martha.) But if she drops the boyfriend bomb late, she runs the risk of getting the guy all fired up, thinking he's got a chance with her, then bam, "I have a boyfriend."

So whatever is my Martha to do? Is there a happy medium? Have any of you out there experienced this and can offer up some advice? I don't want Martha to have a crappy time when she goes out with the gals and get left out while we're all trolling. Plus, I need her. She plays wingman for me. So please, share your wisdom.

Also.....though things are very pre-mature, there's a good chance that I met the guy that will head up Project:Canadian Distraction. Supposedly, we're going to hang out in two weeks, but I'm not counting on anything until the Can Can starts ringing on my cell with a (626) number. We'll see. More to follow.

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