
Sunday, March 21, 2004

Too close for comfort 

There are several reasons why I am desperate to move out of my parents house. I decided to wait until summer to do so because I want to get a little bit of dough in the savings account before I move out. And well, when I do I'm gonna be pretty freakin poor. So I'm enjoying my paychecks now while I can.

But one of the main reasons (other than privacy and independance issues) is my sheer stupidity. You see, the other night I was distracted by something and mistakenly left this here blog in full view on the computer screen. I had completely forgot I did, and when my dad came in to do his Bible study, he would have had to log off my name and on to his, thus seeing what was displayed on my screen first.

Now, when I first threw this thing up, it had our last name, Grauer, in the description line. So I'm really glad I changed that because, if he happened to glance at the page long enough he probably would have noticed and with his curiosity peaked, read more. So I was relieved about that until I remembered there's link to Cousin Stacey up there which he might have easily noticed and known the page belonged to me.

But so far fortunately, he hasn't mentioned anything. And I'm pretty sure he would have, because the last time he discovered that I'm not that innocent(ironically, he found a picture of me at a Halloween party as Britney Spears ala "Hit Me One More Time" with my bra hanging out and a guy pretending to feel me up) he shouted his disgust from the rooftops. So I think I'm in the clear for now because there hasn't been any screaming.

But I don't think I could have forgiven myself if my dad had read all my entries and found out all the heinous, obnoxious, perverted things about me and suddenly died of a coronary. So I should probably push up that move out date, just so I don't have to worry about my stupidity and carelessness as much anymore, and thus, prevent my parents from suffering an early death.

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