Monday, February 09, 2004
Things I should be doing instead of posting
1. Finish reading about Joan of Arc and the 100 years War for my French Civilization class, then cry about how very little I can understand ("pusillanimite" is the French word for pusillanimity. Can anyone please tell me what the F*** PUSILLANIMITY IN ENGLISH MEANS?????), then once again question my decision to spend several thousand dollars and three more years in school so that I can teach high school kids the French language.
2. Work on some cover letters and apply for jobs that I don't really want but need in order to finance my need to get the hell out of my parents house as well as the several cavities I have and would like to have taken care of.
3. Practice my typing utilizing Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing version 12. Because that BS about using this blog to practice typing on the right keys was, well, BS.
I have a to-do list a mile long and am slowly working to get tasks crossed off. For example, here are some of the things I did today:
1. My phonetics homework, which only took me an hour and a half this time versus two hours for last week's.
2. Planted my sweet pea seedlings which will bring me great pleasure when they bloom in 6-8 weeks.
3. Cried and got over the most recent love interest (the Canadian Professional Lacrosse player). Convinced myself that the reason he didn't call is NOT because:
a. He left his cell phone in Canada by accident, thus not being able to call me due to my number being stored in it.
b. He was in some kind of accident or his flight was cancelled due to weather storms in Toronto. (I know this because I watched the game on Fox Sports Net and he is alive and well in Sunny SoCal.)
c. He knew they were going to lose this game (which they did) and was too embarrassed to face me.
No, the reason he didn't call is, as Berger from Sex and the City would say....
He just wasn't that into me. End of story. Which sucks because even though he was only visiting So Cal for the duration of the season, I enjoyed his company immensly. Not to mention the fact that I thought he was the cat's meow.
4. Suckered my dad into doing my taxes for me. I'll be the one who files them, but he became the bearer of good news by figuring out what I was going to get back.
5. Did my Advanced Conversation homework, which was to pick 2 personal photos and prepare to tell the class what's so freaking special about them. Mine are:
a. A picture of me sitting on the edge of the Seine river in Paris - represents a time in my life when I was truly happy.
b. A picture of my beautiful garden - representing something in my life that makes me truly happy.
But alas, I must be off to procrastinate in other ways. Las Vegas is on. I wish I were there now.
2. Work on some cover letters and apply for jobs that I don't really want but need in order to finance my need to get the hell out of my parents house as well as the several cavities I have and would like to have taken care of.
3. Practice my typing utilizing Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing version 12. Because that BS about using this blog to practice typing on the right keys was, well, BS.
I have a to-do list a mile long and am slowly working to get tasks crossed off. For example, here are some of the things I did today:
1. My phonetics homework, which only took me an hour and a half this time versus two hours for last week's.
2. Planted my sweet pea seedlings which will bring me great pleasure when they bloom in 6-8 weeks.
3. Cried and got over the most recent love interest (the Canadian Professional Lacrosse player). Convinced myself that the reason he didn't call is NOT because:
a. He left his cell phone in Canada by accident, thus not being able to call me due to my number being stored in it.
b. He was in some kind of accident or his flight was cancelled due to weather storms in Toronto. (I know this because I watched the game on Fox Sports Net and he is alive and well in Sunny SoCal.)
c. He knew they were going to lose this game (which they did) and was too embarrassed to face me.
No, the reason he didn't call is, as Berger from Sex and the City would say....
He just wasn't that into me. End of story. Which sucks because even though he was only visiting So Cal for the duration of the season, I enjoyed his company immensly. Not to mention the fact that I thought he was the cat's meow.
4. Suckered my dad into doing my taxes for me. I'll be the one who files them, but he became the bearer of good news by figuring out what I was going to get back.
5. Did my Advanced Conversation homework, which was to pick 2 personal photos and prepare to tell the class what's so freaking special about them. Mine are:
a. A picture of me sitting on the edge of the Seine river in Paris - represents a time in my life when I was truly happy.
b. A picture of my beautiful garden - representing something in my life that makes me truly happy.
But alas, I must be off to procrastinate in other ways. Las Vegas is on. I wish I were there now.
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